Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CoCo and Rebel

My CoCo was a lttle fearless shih tzu. He did not realize how small he truly was. You would listen to his bark and think he was a huge doberman or something. Anyway, I let him out to peepee in the front yard one time. Our neighbor had this huge black Newfoundland (?) name of Rebel. Now Rebel goes about 180 lbs or more. He is on an electronic leash and will only go to the edge of his yard but no further. Anyway, I let CoCo out to peepee. Rebel sees him and goes to the edge of his yard and starts barking. CoCo sees Rebel and takes off running towards him barking up a storm. He was really moving, those little legs going as fast as they could. His little ears were flopping. And it was his, "I'm gonna kick your butt" bark. It scared the crap out of me because I thought to myself, "Rebel would kill him with one snap". I take off after CoCo. Now, right as CoCo gets to Rebel, he pulls up short, raises his leg, and pees all over Rebels foot. Rebel, moves forward a couple of inches and pees on CoCo's head, and literally soaks him. I reach in and grab CoCo and take him back across to my wife, who upon hearing the commotion, has come out to see what was happening. CoCo was drenched head to tail. We laughed so hard that we had tears in our eyes. I really miss that little comical boy

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