Saturday, December 11, 2010

Our first Christmas apart!

Holidays at Home
I know how you are about holidays,
All the joy and excitement you feel.
I was there with you, I shared your ways,
And now that I’m gone, I know it doesn’t seem real.
I know that now you go through the motions,
And that you are trying, for my sake,
To slow the tears, to still the oceans.
You want to find that it’s all a mistake.
But, oh, my dear one, let me speak to your heart.
Let me tell you what I now know.
It’s true that I have left, that we had to part.
And it’s true that you must let go.
But it’s also true that I am more than I ever was before.
I am joy, and light, and perfect song,
And pure love woven with memories galore.
The essence of my life with you is ever-present and strong.
For always and ever I am with you,
Even when you are unaware.
I offer you comfort, and hope, and all things true.
I offer you help with the burdens you bear.
So though you do not see me clearly,
I see you and I kiss away your tears.
I am whole and free
And you can cast aside your fears.
Think of me now and remember our holidays.
Know that my memories of them are strong.
And know also that I am happy, with love ablaze,
For I am home now, where I belong.

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